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Image by Stéfano Girardelli

Shamanic Healing Journeys

The Shamanic Healing Journey speaks to your core wound, even if you don't know what it is. Many experience profound healing, feel their chakras opening, see visions of their guides, and connect with their spirit animal.

In this healing, I will take you on a journey using shamanic chanting, which is light language speaking directly to your soul. The journey includes specially prepared binaural beats by Vera, which play in the background during the journey. To get the full benefit of the experience, I highly recommend wearing headphones. Whichever journey you choose, you will receive a recording of the session which you listen to as often as desired. The more you listen, the more the healing takes hold.

These journeys are potent and will bring healing to you now.

A sample snippet of a Shamanic Journey is below.

Shamanic Journey SampleVera & Janise
00:00 / 05:05

Which Journey Calls You?

Receive a different journey meditation recording every night to bring results fast; a fantastic tool for when you have a good idea what's holding you back or when you need to kick start a stagnant spiritual walk. These journeys pull your spiritual gifts out of hiding and reach into all realms to surface what you most need to know now.

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Your journey includes three sessions with me: a pre-journey session so I can understand which specific recordings you need and in what order, and two post-journey session to integrate and so I can look at your dreams to help talk about what surfaced and where to go next; if you don't recall any dreams, I can channel for you to help integrate. Repeat this journey as often as you want, and simply choose a dream add-on at any time if you want to have more dreams interpreted.

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Every year that passes, many of us continue losing connection with the grace and compassion of the other side feeling more deeply wounded knowing that we don't have yet what we know is just on the other side of the veil. The wound from the original fall into density is abstract and hard to recognize, but it needs to be freed so you can take the next steps on your spiritual or life path. 

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Includes 4 live group healing sessions and their recordings, and 2 individual dream sessions. It’s not necessary to remember your dreams. Included are 2 individual sessions to experience Kimbra's incredible gift of helping you reconnect with your gifts that you were meant to be using in this lifetime. Receive bonus entry into the next 4-week Galactic Partner Integration

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Looking for something made exactly for you? I create personalized shamanic journeys just for you so that you can experience your journey live with me. I will record the audio and provide it to you shortly thereafter. You will find more noticeable results if you schedule a healing weekly. Listen to each for at least a week before moving on to the next.

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This journey includes 4 live sessions with me, which include dream interpretation if you remember your dreams, and the recordings for you to listen in order to support integration of the healing messages. Choose a dream add-on package for more of your dreams interpreted.

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Actively participate daily in releasing your karmic baggage. Much of the unnecessary weight we carry already crystallized at an early age. This journey brings you to a space where you can safely and gently surface traumas from the past and dissolve it in your present.


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Your journey includes three sessions with me--a pre-journey session to look at recent dreams/visions, and check-ins/dream sessions during. You will receive at least three different recordings to be listened in specific order over 3-10 weeks. I may suggest a hybrid between "kick start" and this package depending on what surfaces in the early session. Many journeyers prefer their dreams interpreted during this time to enhance understanding of their dream messages, providing a more thorough release. Choose the dream add-on for this valuable tool.

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Prefer to journey solo? You will journey through the birth wound healing with a new recorded meditation each week. As you listen each night, healing takes hold, and your birth wound shows itself in your dreams as your subconscious resonates with the frequencies in the healing to help move the energy around your traumas that no longer serves you. 

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How is this different than the other Birth Wound Journey? You start your journey when you want on your own. You can choose to purchase dream and gift retrieval sessions to experience Kimbra's incredible gift of helping you reconnect with your gifts that you were meant to be using in this lifetime. The healing brings new perspective on why you are here and activates your hidden gifts.

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Regular spiritual hygiene and clearing allows you to stay sovereign from unwanted and uninvited influences.  I check your energy field for non-beneficial energies, attachments, interferences, curses, etc. and clear any influences. Non-beneficial energetic influences can affect us deeply-if you feel off, blocked, attacked--these can be effects from non-beneficial energies.

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This is the place for a clearing. If you want something specific or a modification to my typical clearing, let me know. I can also look at a dream that you suspect shows an attack.

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At the end of the healing, you can expect to have a different perspective on why you are here and a feeling of being important, new confidence in how to move through life, a sense of rejuvenation with relationships. You can be free of your emotional wounds; your healing is waiting.


Many journeyers prefer their dreams interpreted during this time to enhance understanding of the messages coming forward in their dreams, which provides a more thorough release. I'll review the dreams with you looking for spiritual gifts and/or how you use them or can improve, blocks, comments on health and wellness and relationships, or other themes related to your specific healing journey. You may be surprised to know that all of these themes show up and in such a personalized way in your dreams each night. They are a conversation from your higher self to you, and it's up to you to use that information. Choose the dream add-on package at any time in your journey for this valuable tool.

What People Are Saying

The "Kick Start" recordings kick ass!  They are by far my favorite. This journey got in there and kicked the hornet's nest, in a good way!

Sandy, Kick Start Journey

Since I started listening to the audio a few nights ago... (Its incredibly powerful with the light language!) I've had some significant shifts in my dreams: I've had women from college saying goodbye to me, I've cried and I've seen others cry too multiple times, I've experienced forgiveness in a number of ways too... all of these are not normal dream themes for me. Old relationships and sadness are just pouring out of me.

John, Dharmic 6-Pack Coaching with Kick Start Journey

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