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Dream Interpretation

I use my unique suite of spiritual gifts to help unravel the symbolic messages in your dreams. Dreams are amazing and have the potential to transform your life in ways you never imagined.

I'm excited to share this gift with you!

We'll cover as many dreams as possible. Your dreams often reveal your unique spiritual gifts, uncover physical health issues, and emotional limitations, and I channel personal messages for you based on your dream messages. You may be surprised to know that all of these themes show up and in such a personalized way in your dreams each night. They are a conversation from your higher self to you, and it's up to you to use that information.


If you choose the Dream Assembly Membership, you can access dream interpretation at a discounted price.


Once registered, e-mail your dreams to me at least 30-min before our scheduled meeting at


When typing the dream, please include as much detail as possible. Include

  • Colors

  • Date you had the dream

  • Anything else you think is significant to point out


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